Tamagoyaki; Rolled Omelette!
26 May, 2022
Serves 1-2
- Tsp mirin
- Tbsp soy sauce
- Pinch of salt
- Tbsp neutral oil
- 4 eggs
Combine eggs, soy sauce, mirin, and salt into a bowl and whisk.
Heat your pan over medium heat. Once hot, oil the pan so that the egg won’t stick.
Egg mixture combined03
and whisked.03
Pour a thin layer of the whisked egg mixture onto the pan until the surface is covered.
Intermittently check the sides of the omelette with a chopstick to gauge when the bottom is cooked.
Oil the hot pan.05
Once evenly oil, pour in a thin covering of the egg mixture.While the tamagoyaki pan makes this easier it is not necessary and can be made in a standard, circular frypan without much difficulty.
First layer cooking. Don't wait too long!05
Once the bottom is cooked, using the angled edged of your pan, begin to roll the omelette up toward yourself. Don’t worry about the first few rolls being neat, it will become easier as the omelette becomes rounder.
With haste, re-oil the pan. Move the rolled omlette back up toward the other end of the pan and re-oil the area it was covering.
Pour more egg mixture on the pan. Lift the rolled omelette and tilt the pan so that some of the mixture pours under before releasing.
Start rolling; use chopsticks for increased dexterity verse a spactular.08
Pour your second layer.08
Again, intermittently check the edged of the omelette with a chopstick to see if its cooked and in-turn ready to roll.
Once cooked roll the omelette towards yourself over the new layer.
Serve and enjoy! Tamagoyaki can be eaten by itself or with rice. Goes well with pickled veggies and rice. It’s classically used as a sushi filling or in bento.